Monday, July 29, 2013

This Will End, Good Will Come

"This will end, good will come." Words I keep replaying in my head. Even when I struggle and don't know why and don't know what's ahead, I can trust that my God works out all things for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Thankful for that, thankful for Him, and thankful for a beautiful, amazing mom who speaks love and truth into my life<3

"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5

Monday, July 22, 2013


Sometimes it is necessary to leave the old in pursuit of the better new. Seeing that new is better though, I find myself not fully getting why the parts of the old that weren't bad can't move into the new. Maybe to some extent they stands to be seen/understood I guess. But maybe some of the decent parts of the old have to just stay with the old sometimes..because the new has to be, well, totally new. It can be hard to let things go, but I guess it just comes down to trusting the One holding both new and old to work it out for the ultimate good whatever that looks like.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Blessed be Your Name"

God, You sustain, You restore, and Your plans are good and Your will is best..Your ways and thoughts aren't ours--they are above ours. I pray these will truths will be seen through whatever You choose to do with this situation. I will praise You whatever, even if out of a wounded heart; it is YOU who makes me whom else could I ever go? Only You can give me life. You know the desires of my heart, and I pray that, if You will, You will grant whole, or in part if that is what You want. But I pray that YOUR will be done, not mine. Let my desires come to be only inasmuch as they align with what Your will calls for. Thank you for Your goodness and love, and for sustaining me day by day in the waiting, in the uncertainty--in every season of my life, even when (please forgive me) I've failed to recognize it.



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Life is Like an Art Gallery..

The thought hit me today (as partially inspired by a movie clip and partially inspired by my own life and a recent conversation) that things that happen in our life are like a bunch of little, up close pictures. Behind the wall that holds the pictures lies the rest of the image. We try to guess the whole, huge picture from the little ones so much of the time, to know what it all looks like, to help us make sense of the little pieces. But only the gallery's Maker, the Artist, knows that. Someday He may tell us, maybe. But for now we are to walk through His gallery, appreciating each little picture for what it is, trusting that His skill and care make it all come together for the good.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Promise..

I promise..

to do all I can to make you feel like the amazing man I believe you are, to help you be confident in the man God made you.

to never make you doubt that I love you again, to try and surprise you with how much I love you on a regular basis.

to encourage you in Christ and remind you to take strength and comfort in Him and His immeasurable love for you.

to support you in all you do, to believe in you always, even when you doubt yourself.

to defend and build you up to others.

to stand by you and be on your side.

to try to make you feel better when I can't.

to trust you to lead the way..cause I know you can.