Monday, July 29, 2013

This Will End, Good Will Come

"This will end, good will come." Words I keep replaying in my head. Even when I struggle and don't know why and don't know what's ahead, I can trust that my God works out all things for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Thankful for that, thankful for Him, and thankful for a beautiful, amazing mom who speaks love and truth into my life<3

"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5

Monday, July 22, 2013


Sometimes it is necessary to leave the old in pursuit of the better new. Seeing that new is better though, I find myself not fully getting why the parts of the old that weren't bad can't move into the new. Maybe to some extent they stands to be seen/understood I guess. But maybe some of the decent parts of the old have to just stay with the old sometimes..because the new has to be, well, totally new. It can be hard to let things go, but I guess it just comes down to trusting the One holding both new and old to work it out for the ultimate good whatever that looks like.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Blessed be Your Name"

God, You sustain, You restore, and Your plans are good and Your will is best..Your ways and thoughts aren't ours--they are above ours. I pray these will truths will be seen through whatever You choose to do with this situation. I will praise You whatever, even if out of a wounded heart; it is YOU who makes me whom else could I ever go? Only You can give me life. You know the desires of my heart, and I pray that, if You will, You will grant whole, or in part if that is what You want. But I pray that YOUR will be done, not mine. Let my desires come to be only inasmuch as they align with what Your will calls for. Thank you for Your goodness and love, and for sustaining me day by day in the waiting, in the uncertainty--in every season of my life, even when (please forgive me) I've failed to recognize it.



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Life is Like an Art Gallery..

The thought hit me today (as partially inspired by a movie clip and partially inspired by my own life and a recent conversation) that things that happen in our life are like a bunch of little, up close pictures. Behind the wall that holds the pictures lies the rest of the image. We try to guess the whole, huge picture from the little ones so much of the time, to know what it all looks like, to help us make sense of the little pieces. But only the gallery's Maker, the Artist, knows that. Someday He may tell us, maybe. But for now we are to walk through His gallery, appreciating each little picture for what it is, trusting that His skill and care make it all come together for the good.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Promise..

I promise..

to do all I can to make you feel like the amazing man I believe you are, to help you be confident in the man God made you.

to never make you doubt that I love you again, to try and surprise you with how much I love you on a regular basis.

to encourage you in Christ and remind you to take strength and comfort in Him and His immeasurable love for you.

to support you in all you do, to believe in you always, even when you doubt yourself.

to defend and build you up to others.

to stand by you and be on your side.

to try to make you feel better when I can't.

to trust you to lead the way..cause I know you can.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thank you for..

Taking care of me when I didn't feel well..more than once.
Staying with me when I felt lonely.
Surprising me with things.
Little notes to try to cheer me up when I was in a bad mood.
Hugging me when I cried.
Being silly with me and taking my teasing.
Being my best friend.

I can remember the bad times, but I can't still feel old hurts, just the good you were for me..I'm sorry you can only look back and see mostly bad now:'( I almost wish I could do the same so I could stop feeling so sad now that you're gone. I pray that healing can occur and we can be together I can show you how much I love you and you can believe it. I'd sacrifice so much for you, to make you feel loved and stronger, to let you see you in the amazing light that I do. For now I just cry and pray..He's got this even though it feels like heart-crushing chaos :'(

"Oh, how'd we get so disconnected?
My heart is shutting down, oh I just can't let it.

So I'll run forward and pray you fall back,
Grace will come and clear your path
Yeah I'll run forward and you fall back,
Come back"    ~Audrey Assad, Run Forward.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Whoever said the whole "It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" thing was crazy. I can't possibly believe that right now. My heart is crushed and I wish if I could not have kept the man I love that I had never have fallen in love. It took long..I didn't just fall carelessly into took me over a year to get how deeply I loved him. And he told me he'd never end it..but then decided he had to. I feel like God must have something planned for this, but the pain is so hard to bear. I don't understand how I can heal..all my time being sad and single never hurt like this. Being afraid of never finding someone is bad, thinking you've found him and then having him taken away is excruciating. Praying that God will help me see, more real than ever, that He can do the impossible..I know it, but now I'm scared to be worthlessly in love and pain forever, and to never find the love I not only longed to have, but to give. I really want to love and support a godly man..I wanted to be with him through any struggle. Praying..praying..praying :'(

"Set me like a star before the morning
Like a sun that steals the darkness from a world asleep
And I'll illuminate the path You've laid before me
But for now just let me be"

Friday, June 21, 2013

Can Love Really not be Enough?

Dreams..God has used them to speak to His people in the past, and I don't doubt that He still can..and maybe does.

My boyfriend has had the same dream every night for awhile.  He sees me marrying another first the face was known but changed a lot, not it's just blank..he thinks he may be someone we havent met yet. And he walks out of the church to people congratulating him on..something..he thinks building something, though perhaps not a physical type of building. Then a year or so later he sees me announcing im pregnant. He says the dream gets more vivid/detailed all the time, like it's almost as vivid as real life.

I'm..heartbroken. We're trying to pray and discern and be sure. I'd been unsure, started feeling renewed uncertainty, around when he started having the dream. It seems like an obvious sign..but the thing is, seeing how he's been so strong for me and how he's sought God through uncertainty has died. I don't want to lose him. My questions about my desire to be married, to sacrifice for another, about him leading me. They're gone. And now I'm left feeling broken. I feel like God may be taking away my best friend just when I become sure I want to be with him, totally sure for the first time in our relationship. My love for him and desire to be with him have finally outweighed the pure fear of being alone. I don't think that I could ever love someone else like this. I don't want to just be married, I want him. I'm praying maybe this could be the purpose for the dream, but we're not convinced.

I've never been so sad for so long. Praying..just praying..

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

People Dilemmas...

So when someone becomes a new believer, he naturally has places to do all of us on this side of eternity;) To demand instant change in all areas may be too much..and his heart issues are between him and God. But if someone has an issue that he refuses to see as a problem..and you can see it potentially affecting other you give him grace and wait, or do you lovingly call him out on it? Where's the line? Is it being too overbearing to say "I love you no matter what, but this IS wrong, you ARE making a mistake," or is that appropriate tough love? I tend to feel like truth spoken in love, whether or not someone will accept it, is always right. Especially when one person could lead another into a bad situation. But I don't trust my own wisdom enough to say I'm right. I want to know how to truly love..and not grow foolishly frustrated with people like this. Praying for wisdom and love...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Growing up!

Starting to see that I've wasted a ton of time getting too caught up in silly things that do nothing for my walk with Christ..or anybody else's. I get caught up in stupid little controversial things that arent real issues and don't involve me serving Christ in any doesnt matter if I'm even in the right or not. I'm seeing more and more all the time what following Christ entails..not always in the specific, day-to-day stuff, but in the general, life-encompassing idea. I fall so short and really want to change. These minor stupid things dont even make me feel good in the long run. I want to be more wholeheartedly devoted to growing and serving.

"So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. 23 Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorantcontroversies; you know that they breed quarrels. 24 And the Lord's servant[e] must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone,able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25 correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will."  ~2Timothy 2:22-6

I'm not sure, but I feel like these verses may be more referring to types of controversies that are different from what I face..but it still seems like a good principal all the same.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Two of my best friends recently decided to hold me accountable..they think I have an issue with putting myself down too much, and now every weekend I have to write one positive thing about me for ever negative thing I say. This feels awkward :P Oh well, here ya go, guys:

1) I like my eyes.

2) I am sensitive to people's least in general.
3) I like my smile.
4) I can make people laugh/smile sometimes.
5) I can put on a confident, outgoing attitude when I really want to.
6) I take responsibilities seriously.
7) I make it a point not to judge people based on where they're from.
8) I have random good..or at least fun ideas sometimes.
9) I can read people decently well.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Jesus Hold Me Now"

I usually try to find more mysterious and/or interesting ways of putting things..but it's almost 4am and it's been too hard a day so I don't care. I hate cancer! I've been crying off and on for a few days now. I can't understand why one of my best friends in the world, one of the most spiritually solid guys I know, has to have cancer. I thought he was ok now. But we just learned things are more serious now..the treatment is more intense now. I only have about a week and a half before he has to be admitted to the hospital and we may not be face to face again for a long time (Even with the best possible outcome). I feel so sad off and on that I don't know how to just do normal life. I want to be there to talk or whatever he needs til he has to go. And I'm scared things will turn out horribly. They may not, but I'm still sad for all He'll face.

I know God has this though..nothings out of His control. And I know God's way is best..His justice, His plans..all perfect. Beyond what I could ever understand. I just wish I could understand for now..more important, I wish my friend could. But I feel bad for asking "Why him, God?", as if I'm saying I know better or God has done something wrong. Neither of those is true at all, I know. It's just all I can seem to wonder at brief times. I pray He can have mercy on my weakness here.

So I'll just keep praying..for my friend more than anything: for healing, for strengthened (not shaken) faith, for unimaginable peace, for the feeling of his loving Father's embrace. And, to a lesser degree, for us..the people who love him. To know how to care for someone kind of out of reach. To not lose hope. To be able to keep going on when we need to.

~~Give me the faith, to believe in these hard times~~
Through God are ALL things possible.