Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jack Black Movies and Singleness...

"Look, I know what I am, and I know what I'm not. I'm the girl who gets really good grades and is not afraid to be funny. And I'm the girl who has a lot of friends who are boys, and no boyfriends..."   
~Rosemary, Shallow Hal

I kind of identified with this line..not perfectly, but still. And I liked the character who said it; in reality she wasn't super-model beautiful, and until the protagonist came along, she had only had one guy interested in her, and it didn't work out (she didn't stay interested in him). But she had such a kind, giving heart; she was one of the most internally beautiful people in the whole movie. And she knew herself, except for failing to see the beauty she did have.

Apart from this, I've been thinking lately..despite my frequent struggles with singlehood, I'm wondering if maybe this might not be for the best. I tend to most want a guy when I feel sad, scared, insecure..basically at times when I should be clinging to God, not to a guy. I mean, leaning on a guy could be ok, but not in place of God. He needs to be my source of comfort and strength regardless of anyone or anything else. HE needs to be my #1. I don't know how it all works for sure..but maybe me being single is happening in part to keep me from making the grave mistake of giving too much of my heart, to leaning too heavily on a man in my life. Maybe my time is later, maybe never, who knows (well, I mean, God knows..). But either way, I think I'll be ok. God is faithful. And, in a few senses, I could stand to be a little more of a pre-Hal Rosemary;)

Friday, January 13, 2012


"Now, stop feeling sorry for yourself. And, incidentally, I love you."  

Nothing profound to say about this, just a line from some '80s movie about a ridiculous drunk and his relational misadventures. This was said to him when he was, well, feeling unloved and sorry for himself (or at least I think that was the situation..wasn't totally watching it,lol). It stuck out to me for some reason, just something I'd like to lovingly say sometimes..maybe something I could benefit from hearing at some points as well ;) Plus the matter-of-fact tone in which the character spoke it was kinda just funny x)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Boy Stories (uh-oh..)

~How do you respond when a guy says he's been praying and feels like he should pursue a relationship with you, but you're not interested..?

~What about the nice guy who you think is a friend, who asks you to "hang out," one-on-one, as in "dinner and a movie?" When the relationship isn't clearly defined, this is just plain confusing..

~Guys that go from girl to girl, reasoning that if a relationship doesn't work it just wasn't God's will, and there is no reason not to promptly move on..ugh too much logic for me.

~The guy who expresses in no uncertain terms that he is not interested in you, but still wants to listen and encourage you and tell you semi-deep stuff..ouch.

~Guys who feel slighted because girls don't give them a chance (as in, the select girls they express interest in don't give them a chance), and yet they themselves wouldn't necessarily give just any given girl a chance..

~Guys who date your best friend, and subsequently will not allow the two of you to live out your dream of running away to start a convent and live a life free of guy issues....;)